Christian Short Stories

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Tyler Rogers

The Tale of Lantern's Edge

  • A humble blacksmith guides his village to prosperity and peace through faith and love.
Jon Cambodian

The Light of Samuel

  • A humble baker's acts of kindness and servitude spread the light of God through the land.
Isabella Perry

The Humble Master Builder

  • A humble master builder's faith is tested when he welcomes a mysterious traveler who turns out to be an angel.
Brooklyn Boston

The Miracle of Joseph

  • A weary wanderer brings faith, miracles, and love to a humble village in need.
Olivia Ross

The Birth of Jesus Christ

  • A humble couple travels to Bethlehem, where Mary gives birth to a son in a stable, and shepherds witness the miracle and praise God.
Michael Smith

The Prodigal Son

  • A son squanders his inheritance and returns home to his forgiving father.
Jake Campbell

The Village's Faith and Legacy

  • A village's faith is tested when strangers offer a grand cathedral in exchange for loyalty and obedience.
Nathaniel Martin

A Life of Faith and Kindness

  • David's journey of faith and friendship after his best friend was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.