The Case of the Missing Heirloom

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The Case of the Missing Heirloom

It was a chilly evening in November when detective Jack Johnson received a phone call from Mrs. Smith, requesting his services to find her missing family heirloom – a diamond necklace that had been passed down in her family for generations.

"I'll be on my way, ma'am," Detective Johnson said before hanging up. He grabbed his coat and headed towards Mrs. Smith's mansion located at the outskirts of town.

"My housekeeper claims she saw someone enter my room last night while I was sleeping and take the necklace from its case," Mrs. Smith recounted as she showed Detective Johnson around her luxurious home.

"Has anyone else seen this 'intruder'?" asked the detective skeptically.

Mr. Smith shook her head solemnly. 

This sounds fishy,* thought Detective Johnson*.

The next day, he made his rounds through the neighborhood asking if anyone had seen anything out of ordinary on that specific night.

I remember seeing a dark sedan parked outside Mrs. Smith's house for several hours late into the night,” said Michael Brown, who owned an auto-shop near downtown.
A witness?, thought Detective Johnson with excitement. He thanked Mr.Brown for helping with his investigations and proceeded toward gathering more clues regarding this suspect vehicle That same afternoon, as he drove into town to search automobile dealerships for matching specifications—a notable 1960’s model black car—he noticed an unfamiliar man attempting to hide behind one of these shabby looking stores away from public view Thinking it highly unusual behaviour,the detective walked over cautiously,  "What are you doing here, son?" the detective asked "Oh, I was just taking a break" replied the man. After verifying his identity, Detective Johnson brought out Mr. Smith’s photo album and proceeded to inquire whether this stranger had appeared in any of her photographs or if he had information about anyone who looked like him.Watching as beads of perspiration began manifesting on his new acquaintance's brow,the detective felt conviction that this suspect was anything but innocent Pacing back into Mrs. Smith's residence at midnight after two full days of rigorous investigations,Jack Johnson placed down a letter onto the table: "Heiress Maria Smith,I have found your necklace, however it is still unsure whether you can afford my fee" Mrs. Smith gasped aloud upon seeing once again the precious diamond jewellery she thought lost for good."Anything,sir - we'll pay whatever you need for retrieving our family heirloom." The tension eased off Jacks shoulders.A sigh escaped from within.   "I must say,it wasn’t easy,nor cheap,but I've managed to persuade whoever has stolen your necklace to give it back willingly," he recounted before all present grateful audience

When curious nods made their way towards his deductions,the country's famous detective added one last thing- "Remember folks..crime might pay but justice does too".